A Special Request From Victor Urbach

To Ensure You'll Get The Urbach Letter Every Month

Many company IT departments and ISP's filter your mail, often without notifying you that wanted mail has been trapped in the filter... or discarded. This is extremely frustrating for me. I spend at least two working days a month writing and producing the Urbach Letter, and even more time tweaking it to get past the filters. But now I need your help.

What To Do: If you enjoy receiving the Urbach Letter and want to keep getting it in the future, I need you to make sure that I'm on your "Approved Sender" list or whitelist. Please contact your ISP or IT group and request that mail from the in.m1e.net domain and coming from the IP address range be permitted. To make that easy for you, the button/link below will launch your email program and fill in a request for you. Just address it to your ISP or IT department and hit send. Thanks.

Whitelist Button
Send a Whitelist Request Message

Specific Instructions: It's also important for you to adjust your email program. Here are specific instructions for different mail services and programs:
  AOL Users: Please check your spam folder just in case requested email got delivered there instead of your inbox. If so, select the message and click [This is Not Spam], which will allow future messages to get through.

I strongly recommend that you do the following to avoid accidentally filtering future letters:

1. Click [Mail] in the toolbar at the top of your AOL window
2. Select [Block Unwanted Mail]
3. Click [Custom Sender List]
4. Select [Allow only the senders and domains listed below]
5. Enter this domain: in.m1e.net
6. Click [Save]
HotMai lLogoHotmail Users: Please check your Junk E-mail folder, in case requested email got delivered there instead of your inbox. If so, select the message and click [Not Junk], which will allow future messages to get through.

I strongly recommend that you do the following to avoid accidentally filtering future letters:

1. Click [Mail], then [Options] (next to the Help link)
2. Click [Junk E-Mail Protection]
3. Click [Safe List]
4. Enter this domain: in.m1e.net
5. Click [Add]
Yahoo Mail Logo

Yahoo Users: Please check your Bulk E-mail folder, in case requested email got delivered there instead of your inbox. If so, select the message and click [Not Spam], which will allow future messages to get through.

Gmail Logo

Gmail Users: Please check your Spam folder, in case requested email got delivered there instead of your inbox. If so, select the message and click [Not Spam], which will allow future messages to get through.

MS Office Logo


Outlook 2003 Users:

1. Select Actions from the top menu bar, then select [Junk E-mail] followed by [Junk E-mail Options].
2. Select [Safe Senders], then [Add].
3. Type m1e.net and click OK.
4. Type and click OK.
5. Click OK.

The Plain Text Alternative: Some people have trouble receiving HTML email (the kind that looks like a web page). That's why I also publish a web version of my letter. Every month, the current issue is posted at www.UrbachLetter.com and I send a simple text link to notify you that a new issue is available. If you'd rather get those notifications rather than the full-color graphical version, just use the subscriber preference link in your current issue to change your delivery mode.

I'd hate lose touch with you. Please take a moment now ensure we keep the lines of communication open.


-Victor Urbach